#Service design
13 June 2022

Learn about Service Design on Socjomania’s YouTube channel

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Agnieszka Korytowska
Partnership Manager | Service Design Lead

Finding a spare time to read a blog article isn’t always easy. Therefore, for those who find it easier to listen, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the materials about service design in the form of extensive webinars, but also slightly shorter forms on our YouTube channel.

See what service design topics are covered in these videos and find out how the knowledge they contain can help your business. Turn on the subtitles by tapping the CC icon or Captions in the menu, if you are not a Polish speaker. 🙂

Why is knowledge about Service Design so valuable?

A conscious approach to designing services, based on a thorough analysis, is still a rarity in modern business. The idea of Service Design as an iterative approach focused on human needs is relatively new and continues to improve; so there is still a lack of solid, reliable sources of knowledge. One of our missions as members of the global Service Design Network is therefore to continuously research, educate and spread good practice in service design.

What kind of Service Design materials be found on our YouTube channel?

The scope of Service Design issues is very wide, so in order to keep the form easy to digest in a reasonable time, we try to focus on specific topics that can be described in detail in about 1-1.5 hours. We make sure that the audience can draw not only inspiration for strategic changes in the organization or service, but also clear, practical tips that will help here and now.

Examples of topics we cover:

How to transfer a physical service to the digital world?

How to transfer a physical service to the digital world? Katarzyna Młynarczyk

In this video, we focus on the interpenetration of the virtual and physical world. It is aimed at people who face the challenge of digitizing their services or are even in the process of doing so, but struggle with various obstacles. We discuss both the basic idea of transferring the service to the digital world, as well as specific stages and what they require – as well as real examples of such projects.

Answering burning questions about Service Design

On the channel you will also find videos in which we briefly answer the most common questions about service design and related topics. We discuss issues such as:

Materials about Service Design in English

In addition to webinars and short videos on Socjomania’s channel, we also create materials for an international audience as part of the Service Design Network program. You will find them on the SDN Chicago channel.

The first one concerns sustainable services, i.e. designing services in the spirit of sustainable development, including saving food. It was created as part of the international SDN event.

Part 1: How to create sustainable services and save food value

Part 2: How to create sustainable services and save food value

Stay up to date with valuable knowledge about Service Design

New content appears on our channel regularly, so feel free to subscribe and check out other videos.

And if one of the topics has caught your attention and you feel we can help with your project, get in touch

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